No Filters to Replace. Proven
to be Safe & Effective.
Just wipe clean the metal
collector plates when dirty. You'll be amazed by how much is removed from
the air! (Right)

Most Effective Way to Destroy
Harmful Micro-Organisms. No air purification technology is more
effective than a germicidal UV lamp when it comes to
destroying germs, viruses, bacteria and fungi (such as mold), which can lead
to illness.
air-cleaning negative ions. Found by the U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture to be 99% effective against airborne dust & particles.
Performance - Nearly 100% Effective in.
Achieved a 99.5% removal rate of particles in a large chamber. This is
not just hype, as test results are patterned closely after real-world
No Replacement Costs. Just
wipe off the metal collector grid. Saves you hundreds in replacement filters
over the life of the unit.
built-in, independently-controlled fan effectively moves the air,
increasing air-cleaning efficiency.

Just Pennies a Day to Operate. Uses less electricity than a light bulb,
saving you hundreds more over the life of the unit, compared to most air
Whisper Quiet.
The XJ-2100 is quiet, especially if the fan is turned "off".